by jpinsurance | Jun 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Camp, whether it’s a day camp or sleepaway camp may offer parents a much needed break from kid-wrangling over the summer. Camp usually also becomes a wonderful experience for kids, too; but getting through that first day drop off can be challenging for both kids...
by jpinsurance | Jun 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
We have all heard about the sharp increase in e-cigarette use, aka “vaping,” among young people. If you are a parent or educator of teens, you’re probably more familiar than most. So why are e-cigarettes suddenly so common on middle and high school...
by jpinsurance | May 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Thinking of buying a pool? Here’s what you should know: So you’re thinking of buying a pool and imagining those lazy, hot summer days when you’ll get to slip into the cool water, sunbathe, play with the kids, and invite friends and neighbors to share...
by jpinsurance | May 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
Professional Liability Insurance…what is that and who needs it? If we changed the name to ‘malpractice insurance’ most of us would answer the question right away by responding ‘doctors’. But the fact is ‘malpractice’ is a...
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